Vinod Kurup

Hospitalist/programmer in search of the meaning of life

Nov 23, 2005 - 1 minute read - Comments - happiness family life wedding

We're married!

Mala and Vinod Mala and Vinod

Life update time. If you’re a keen follower of this site, you’ll have noticed the little box in the upper left hand corner announcing my wedding to Mala. We got married a few months back and it was documented in photos by friends, family and even an official photographer. (Time wasting warning: There are 500 pictures from friends and family, 1200+ proofs from our photographer).

My brother Manoj created a touching slide show which had our guests laughing and Mala and I cringeing. That hasn’t made it to the website yet, but negotiations with the concerned parties are in progress (“C’mon Mala, it’s not that embarrassing!"). We can’t thank enough the people who made our wedding day magical. It was, without question, the happiest day of my life.

Next up in the “Life Update Series”: The Honeymoon

Lists in CSS Life Update: The Honeymoon

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